Welcome to my new website
It is still under construction, but I hope over time it will contain more and more useful information.
Below you can find recent blog posts about our group activities. On separate websites you will find more information about specific topics: myself, research projects, publications etc.
Recent blog posts:
Presentation of guest PhD student from KTU
On Thursday, 21st November we have enjoyed a presentation by a guest PhD student Mohamed Ahmed Baba from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, entitled: “Laser-induced micro/nanostructure of functional materials”. Mohamed is a specialist in laser processing of materials, particularly in femto-second laser applications. These lasers offer very interesting possibilities to modify materials with limited redeposition/melting…
Farewell to Erasmus visiting student Md Sohanur Rahman
On Thursday, 14th November we had a final meeting with Md Sohanur Rahman, who visited us for 3 months within the Erasmus+ exchange programme from TU Chemnitz. Mr. Rahman worked on galvanic deposition of electrodes for alkaline electrolysis. Based on the Raney 2.0 composition, we tried to deposit the coatings on different substrates varying the…
PhD defence committee of Mr. Keyun Li at AGH University
I had a pleasure to be one of the reviewers of the doctoral dissertation of Mr. Keyun Li, MSc at Faculty of Energy and Fuels, supervisor prof. Konrad Świerczek. The defence took place on 17th October 2024 at AGH University, Faculty of Energy and Fuels at 12.00. The PhD thesis “Functional oxygen electrodes for Solid…
Scientific seminar with prof. Tomasz Wejrzanowski’s group
On Friday, 11th October, we held a scientific seminar of Gdańsk Tech Advanced Materials Center and prof. Tomasz Wejrzanowski’s group from Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology The seminar included presentations of PhD students from our groups as well as overview presentations form other departments. Through these seminars we seek to…
Polish Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Technology
On Monday and Tuesday, 7-8 October 2024, I took part in the conference in Gdynia, where I had a chance to substitute for Prof. Jacek Gębicki and take part in discussions in two panel discussions: the first one on electrolysis and the second one on the activities of the Hydrogen Technologies Center at Gdańsk Tech.…
European Fuel Cell Forum conference
Together with PhD student Omid Ekhlasiosgouei, in the beginning of July we have attended the SOFC/SOEC related conference in Lucerne, Switzerland. We have presented the following poster contributions:
Welcome to my updated webpage!
After several years of using Weebly as a website host service, I have decided to migrate to WordPress. I will slowly move the content from the old site to this new one and create new content here… in the meantime be patient and let me know any feedback if necessary 🙂