Tag: seminar

  • Presentation of guest PhD student from KTU

    On Thursday, 21st November we have enjoyed a presentation by a guest PhD student Mohamed Ahmed Baba from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, entitled: “Laser-induced micro/nanostructure of functional materials”. Mohamed is a specialist in laser processing of materials, particularly in femto-second laser applications. These lasers offer very interesting possibilities to modify materials with limited redeposition/melting…

  • Scientific seminar with prof. Tomasz Wejrzanowski’s group

    On Friday, 11th October, we held a scientific seminar of GdaƄsk Tech Advanced Materials Center and prof. Tomasz Wejrzanowski’s group from Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology The seminar included presentations of PhD students from our groups as well as overview presentations form other departments. Through these seminars we seek to…